Core Facility Proteomics & Mass Spectrometry



Prof. Dr.phil.nat. Manfred Heller, Head of Core Facility

Manfred graduated with a PhD degree in Chemistry/Biochemistry at the University of Bern in 1994. After a postdoctoral position in New Zealand he joined the laboratory of Ruedi Aebersold at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA, for a second postdoc. Returning to Switzerland in 1999, he was involved in setting up one of the first proteomics companies (GeneProt Inc., Geneva) where he became group leader in the mass spectrometry and automation section. During his second industrial engagement with DiagnoSwiss, Monthey, he was involved in the development of the OFFGEL(TM) fractionator from Agilent. Since 2003, Manfred is running the proteomics and mass spectrometry laboratory at the University of Bern which became a core facility in 2008. In 2008, he received the habilitation in biochemistry and protein analytics at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Bern.

Dr.phil.nat. Anne-Christine Uldry, Computational Scientist

Anne-Christine obtained her PhD in theoretical physics in 2003 from the University of Oxford (UK). Since then she spent more than 10 years in research specialising in computational science and honing in programming skills for NMR and X-ray spectroscopy applications. Just before joining PMSCF in 2016 as computational scientist, she worked as a data scientist on industrial applications.

M.Sc. Sophie Braga, Scientific Assistant

Sophie graduated with a master degree in chemistry/biochemistry at the University of Grenoble, FR in 2000. She started to specialize in mass spectrometry in a proteomics company (GeneProt Inc., Geneva) as a research associate and continuously developed her competences in sample preparation and identification of small molecules at Unilabs, Coppet. Starting in 2009 she worked two years in the proteomics group of the Nestlé Research Center, Lausanne, where she was involved in proteomics and metabolomics projects. Sophie joined the PMSCF in April 2011.

Natasha Buchs, Laboratory Assistant

Natasha finished an apprenticeship as biology laboratory assistant in 1998 with Sandoz-Wander (Novartis). Since then she has worked in different laboratories at the University of Bern where she has gained a lot of experience in molecular biology, cell culture techniques and animal care. Natasha joined the PMSCF in February 2009.

Alexandra Emanuela Burger

Alexandra has graduated with a Master degree in Molecular Health Sciences at the ETH Zürich. After a research practical at Novartis, she has joined our laboratory in November 2022 for a PhD project.